ECP Token Exchange @ 0.001$

Hello ECP members

ECP NOW TO TRADE ECP Token Exchange @ 0.001$


We appreciate all members for their patience.

In exchange 90% transaction checking are complete in 3days, ECP going to first sell in .

Total sell from admin 100 millions @ 0.0001$

So those members who have not get any token..they will able to buy from bit2ex.


Name Price24H (%)
Bitcoin Cash(BCH)

Next week ECP enter in another exchange with 100 millions @ 0.001$

ECP members create mlm . Faucet ..etc for promoting ECP.

ECP appreciate them. ECP will reward them..(*ECP need their details*)

Thanks & Regards

Hello ECP members.

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ECP block 500 fake accounts till now. And collect more than 10millions tokens.


Bit2Ex Exchange Live open for registration

Bit2Ex Exchange Live open for registration

ECP work on Apps for all members will be easily claim 10000 free token to available token every day

ECP Token Exchange @ 0.001$

Hello ECP members
All Forum token holder members account will not block.may be it’s free or duplicate.
All Forum token will be transfer automatically to Availabel Token.
It will be notify to all


ello ECP members.
Good day everybody.


1. Market value is depend on supply and demand.
2. Low supply and high demand will increase any coin value.
3. ERC20 tokens are pre mined token. So we do not need to mine.
4. ECP tokens divided in 3 category.
Availabe token – Free token- Forum token

5. Available Token – is withdrawable. Now min.3000 up to 10000 tokens.

After launching in exchange, 30 days locking period. After that all available tokens will be withdrawable ( no restrictions).
6. Free token- need to claim ( claiming is like mining). Everyday you claim and everyday some tokens will come in the market. ECP Token Exchange @ 0.001$
7.Forum token – ECP create a discussion forum where all members will do the discussion and also earn ECP token. This forum token will be convert to free token every month on 10th.
8. Our few valuable members will start some project like mlm . Doubler. Lottery. Faucet .etc. This project will be help ECP to reach more peoples. And have a regular demand of ECP.
9. ECP appreciate those members will start these projects, ECP will reward them . ( total reward value = 1billion ECP tokens).

See also  Finally Ethereumcashpro ECP goes live in exchange for tradin

Hello ECP members
Good day everybody.

We want to share few positive points to every members about ECP. ECP Token Exchange @ 0.001$

Our total ECP Coin supply is billion token .

90% token will be distribute among 1.9 millions ids.

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10% token will be hold by ( Admin + technical department )

Now ECP already start block the duplicate account. So the token collect from this duplicate account will be share with leaders.

And rest of collected tokens gives to our exchangers . So they listed our token in the exchange. Except ECP will launch in another 3 exchange.

Updated: November 14, 2018 — 9:21 am

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