ECP token FAQ – Understanding the New Ethereumcashpro

ECP token FAQ

Are you confused about the new Ethereumcashpro Token Structure? Here is a detailed explanation

The progress of Ethereumcashpro ECP so far has been remarkably filled with a lot of drama and sometimes confusion. Probably this is in a bid to meet up total sale especially that many investors at some point lost hope due to a prolonged sale of the coin which never achieved 100% in good time. However, after a long silence on the sale of Ethereumcashpro ECP coin, the management of the company sometimes in July began rolling in new features on claiming ECP Coin and taking steps serious in listing ECP coin on Trading platform Read Where do you want to list ECP? and also read Trade Ethereumcashpro ECP CoinEx Exchange.

ECP token FAQ


ECP token FAQ

With these in mind, Claiming of free token began where users can claim ECP Tokens from a view of ads and get 0.2 ECP coins to read Steps to claim your ECP free tokens. However, this steps seems so annoying and time-consuming, let’s take for instance 1000 free tokens, to claim this, a user will need to view 5000 ads which take at least 3 minutes to complete. This indeed is impossible, the purpose was to simply compel ECP Token holders to pay $20 to move all free tokens to Available tokens. 

Because of the long prolonged sale of Ehereumcashpro Tokens during the ICO period, there was a need to bring strategies to speed up the total sale of the coin. Talks have been ongoing on different Cryptocurrency exchanges to list ECP on Exchange in order for Ethereumcahpro users to be able to trade their claimed coins for real BTC. A lot of users on the official accounts of ECT have raised concerns on the credibility of the Coin, many claimed to have paid the $20 and yet have not received any tokens so far.

The management of ECP have really done nothing much to fix this issues, but we must understand that when payments are involved, the complaints of users must be given adequate attention, and we hope ECP address this issues as soon as possible to clear its name from people who tag ECP Coin as a mere SCAM.


So far, ECP website has been updated with new features, especially with a new structure for sale of the last 1%. Also ECP Coin users holders will now be grouped into

  1. Rank: BRONZ

  2. Rank: SILVER

  3. Rank: GOLD

  4. Rank: GOLD PLUS

  5. Rank: PLATINUM


  7. Rank: Elite

The above ECP Coin holders rank have their meaning, and we would like to explain each as much as possible based on what we understand, for the purpose of clarity for frequently asked questions FAQ on ECP coin.

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As end of token sale ECP has over 90% off for last 1% of ICO tokens. This is limited time offer and sale will be close as soon as last 1% token are sold. It will also generate 7 level affiliate commission. What this simply mean is that sales for ECP ICO will come to an end immediately this token sale of 1% is achieved. After sale, each Etereumcashpro holder will belong to one level of coil holding.


Name Price24H (%)
Bitcoin Cash(BCH)

Rank: BRONZ – Cost 0.05 BTC

When users make a purchase of 0.05 BTC,  you will get  10,000 as paid tokens, which will be added to your current balance. You will also get Free Tokens worth  300,000, this will be credited to your Free balance account,and you must pay $20 to move those tokens to your Available tokens later. Claiming free tokens option will always be available so that you move your coins from free balance to Available balance. This group of holders will be regarded as  BRONZE Holders.

Date: 20 Sept 2018, BTC Comm: 0%, Monthly interest: 6%


ECP Rank: SILVER Membership

Just as i explained above, for Silver membership, ECP Coin owner will pay 0.1 worth of BTC, to get Paid Tokens: 25,000 Free Tokens: 700,000. This level will be called the Rank: SILVER ECP holders.

Date: 17 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 2% Monthly interest: 7%

 ECP Rank GOLD Membership and Benefits

With the payment of 0.2 BTC, You will be given 60,000 ECP Tokens into your Paid Tokens, and 1,500,000  will be credited into your Free Tokens balance. This level is called  Rank: GOLD, and with payment of $20 extra, you will be able to move your free tokens into available tokens.

Date: 13 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 5% Monthly interest: 8%


Rank GOLD PLUS Members and Benefits

With the payment of 0.5 BTC, users will get a total of 150,000 into their  Paid Tokens balance,  and another 4,000,000 as Free Tokens. This level users are called  Rank GOLD PLUS

Date: 13 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 13% Monthly interest: 9%


Rank PLATINUM Members

This is not also like the Gold Plus users, however, you pay 1 BTC, this will give you Paid Tokens: 320,000 Free Tokens: 9,000,000 and this level is refered to as Rank: PLATINUM

Date: 7 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 15% Monthly interest: 10%

See also  ECP lock the withdraw for 30 days


To add to platinum membership, you may decide to upgrade to Rank: PLATINUM PLUS. Here, you will pay 2.5 BTC , and you benefit a lot. Here you be getting  650,000 into your Paid Tokens Wallet, and 20,000,000 Free Tokens, with payment of $20, you will be able to move these free tokens into your Main balance called Available Tokens. This grade of Ehereumcashpro holders will be called Rank: PLATINUM PLUS

Date: 2 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 15% Monthly interest: 11%


Rank: Elite ECP Holders

These  set of ECP Coin users will be the largest share holders of ECP Coin. To be an Elite ECP Coin user, you will pay 5 BTC, to get 1,700,000 ECP Tokens as Available  Tokens, and a total of  60,000,000 as freeFree Tokens. This is the highest shares you can buy in the entire Ehereumcashpro Eco System and you will be Rank: Elite. This carries huge investment and massive returns, not everyone could afford this grade anyways.

Date: 25 Sept 2018 BTC Comm: 22% Monthly interest: 12%


NOTE! If you don’t belong to any f the above token holders, this means you are on the FREE RANK. And you can still paticipate in the exchange of your crypto coins on real exchange soon by September 2018


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions ECP token FAQ

Question. Why should I buy or buy again ECP token ?

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Aanswer. This is never seen before offer by ECP. It has amazing discount and chance to earn affiliate commission in BTC (Regular 7 level commission will also be active).

Question. Why now it shows Rank on my back office.

Aanswer. ECP token will be release based on rank.

ECP token release date based on rank.

Here is the time table in order of release of your coins

ECP Elite Plus: 25th August 2018
ECP Elite : 29th August 2018
ECP Platinum Plus: 2nd Sept 2018
ECP Platinum : 7th Sept 2018
ECP Gold : 13th Sept 2018
ECP Silver :17 Sept 2018
ECP Bronze : 20 Sept 2018
Paid : 22 Sept 2018
Free Member: 30th Sept 2018

ECP token FAQ. Can I still claim my free tokens?

A. Yes we will never remove that option.

Question. Can I still pay $19.99 and move my free token to available?

A. Yes but its limited time only. We will remove that option shortly.

ECP token FAQ. How I will get my BTC earning ?

A. Once ICO is over we will send your earning directly to your BTC address.

ECP token FAQ. Is there any minimum withdraw limit for ECP token.

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A. Yes, minimum is 1000 tokens.

Free Calim of ECP Coin steps ECP token FAQ

Every time your click on “Claim It Now” button , 0.25 free token converted in to availbale tokens!

Steps to claim your ECP free tokens to available tokens.

  1. ECP token FAQ
  2. Login to your ECP account.
  3. From your left menu go to claim section.
  4. On claim section, click on “Claim It Now” button, It will take to our advertisers website.
  5. Once you come back to ECP site your account will be credited with 0.25 ECP token from free to available.
    There is no limit on how many tokens you can claim per day.

About EthereumCashPro ECP

EthereumCashPro is an Ethereum- based token, that will allow users to make and receive payments using our platform and Ethereum’s smart contract technology. EthereumCashPro is superior to traditional payments, lending, and crowdfunding systems due to its trustless and immutable nature. Unlike non-blockchain solutions, EthereumCashPro is built on the decentralized Ethereum network. Blockchain implementations prevent any entity from changing users’ financial information, eliminating the need for a user to trust an unknown entity with their personal assets. Apply our innovative technologies in the peer to peer lending space.

ECP Facebook and Telegram Announcemet

ECP is stopping regular sales! – August 4, 2018

As end of token sale ECP has over 90% OFF for last 1% of ICO tokens. So we are closing all token sales till Monday! And from Monday sales will start with discounted price.

ECP token FAQ – Hold tight as from Monday you can also earn upto 22% direct referral commission in BTC. For example if you bring some one and if they buy 1000 worth of ECP token you will make 220 USD worth of BTC. All BTC payout will be done between 25th August to 30th August.

Update August 3, 2018

ECP End of Token Sale Offer !!! Get Upto 90% Off and chance to earn part of ECP profit !!!

Hello ECP Members,

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As end of token sale ECP has over 90% off for last 1% of ICO tokens. This is limited time offer and sale will be close as soon as last 1% token are sold. It will also generate 7 level affiliate commission. Doors will open on Monday!

ECP wants to thank you for your support! and hopes ECP token FAQ was answered!

Drop a comment on comment box and subscribe 

Updated: August 7, 2018 — 4:49 am

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