Cryptocurrency Price and Summary
Here is our overviewed analysis on the price of cryptocurrency past few months
The price of Bitcoin has gone down by 22.5% in the past 30 days. It reached a high of NGN 3,500,000, a low of NGN 2,618,999 and is currently trading at NGN 2,705,002. The price of Ethereum has decreased by 23.84% and is currently trading at NGN 215,255.
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How is the price of Bitcoin calculated? A primer on supply and demand | Learn with Luno
CEX.IO GDPR Bitcoin Trading policy
Many people wonder how the price of Bitcoin is calculated, but it’s important to remember that it works no different than it would with other currencies or objects. Let’s first look at how the prices of most things are derived – we can use oranges as an example. What is the price of an orange?
Cryptocurrency Price and Summery
Market Analysis Report, 05 June 2018
Digital Assets 10 Index has closed at 6,063.99 with a loss of 4.88% for the day.
Market Update
So far Today, Bitcoin price is sitting at $7589.38 representing a gain of 1.17% in the last 24 hours. More than $400 M worth of BTC were exchanged in the BTC/USD market representing a 16.6% share of the global daily volume. The BTC/JPY pair represents a 56.6%
Ethereum price has Moved up 3.28% over the past 24 hours and is currently sitting at $ 607.394, with over $200 M worth of Ether exchanged in the past 24 hours on the ETH/USD pair which has a 25.2% market share of the daily trading volume.
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