TDC Trident coin: Phase 15 $1.31 per TDC Token

TDC Trident coin

TDC Trident coin: Phase 15 $1.31 per TDC Token

Over 71 % tokens have been sold out in phase 15 now and the new price soon will be $1.31 per TDC token

Trident is extremely becoming one of the most successful cryptocurrencies in 2018. TDC coin started sales with the price of about $0.60 cents 23 days back  but today this Cryptocoin has grown more than double of that initial price

This is just the start and we strongly believe all 77 phases of TDC tokens presale will be sold out before public sale starts in October

Trident crypto fund packages are performing as expected and are producing consistent daily profits for the management and the invested members

A good portfolio is a balance between passive income and speculative investments like Trident ICO and that’s what you have with Trident – a perfect balance with ICO and passive profits Crypto fund packages

Lots of exciting news are coming in next 2 weeks and we are just getting started…  JOIN CLICK HERE

Trident TDC Crypto

Trident is making waves everywhere now

So far, Trident try something new and did a massive media campaign and you will start seeing trident soon everywhere in all crypto news websites

The cryptocurrency company also successfully conducted the  Phase 11th of TDC token sale $1.11 50 % sold out almost immediately.

Current price is $1.07 cents and next price would be $1.11


Name Price24H (%)
Bitcoin Cash(BCH)

Trident token redemption is about 25 days away and hence the more TDC tokens you stock up now, more you will benefit from the redemption process

We are also working on overall look and feel of the website and taking it to the next level along with few new product launches in next 90 days

TDC UPdates Phase 10

Today is Monday, 14th May 2018, updates comming from Trident have it that TDC coin sale hass just hit the $1 benchmark for TDC coins  an as of the time of filing this report, current price of TDC coin in phase 10 is now $1.02

Trident Coin Phase 10 is also almost 50 % sold out and in next 24 hours you can expect the price to reach $1.07 cents

See also  Trident Crypto Funds Updates - Soon $2.14 TDC coin

The Cryptocurrency company early investors are already in massive profits and you can do the same if you grab your share of TDC tokens now in ICO presale

Currently, Trident Tokens Redemption programme which has been scheduled to hold in  June, 2018 will make an update regarding this soon.

Congratulations to Trident TDC crypto investors, as investors keep working hard to build the biggest crypto community out there. Trident Coin will be live for Exchange come November 2018 

2:2 Airdrop has also restarted and make sure to leverage it while it lasts

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Latest updates coming from Trident cryptocurrency

Trident Next batch of airdrop tokens is available now in a 2:2 ratio Take advantage now

The current overall amount is about 49,000 tokens available in this airdrop and for every new person you refer in trident system you will get 2 free tokens worth 0.99 cents/token as per current price and the person who creates the account also gets 2 tokens

Take advantage of this airdrop to continue to sponsor more and more people in your trident teams

Note : Phase 9 of TDC token sales is also 38 % sold out and next price once we sell out phase 9 will be $1.02 cents

Make sure to grab your share of the tokens before we go live on exchanges in November 2018 when Trident coins will be Live so you can leverage gain multipliers

Team Trident

Trident Updates May 12, 2018:  $3 Million worth of TDC tokens and INDEX FUND sold

The management of Trident Coin announced a new height achievement of an approximation of $3 million worth of TDC coins and packages

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This is just the start: the next 30 million in sales will happen and then 300 million

See also  How to participate in $KND airdrop and presale.

Build your foundations with trident now so you can reap the rewards for the rest of your life. If you have not joined Trident TDC Cryptocurrency the  JOIN CLICK HERE

TDC Trident Coin Update May 12

What is Trident Current Alexa Ranking?

Trident TDC Alexa Ranking

TDC Trident coin updates for May 10th

Trident announced yesterday that the crypto fx exchange platform ran out of all TDC coins which are currently on its 7th phase which have been completely sold out now!!

The Crypto Exchange platform has started the 8th Phase of TDC Trident coins with 200k coins and in last one hour its 6 % sold

Phase 8 price of TDC coin

TDC Trident coin is currently selling at the rate of $0.95 cents for 1 TDC and next price in TDC Trident coin phase 9 will be $0.99 cents, this is an opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiast to make a quick move and grab the opportunity.

Trident management team have announced that they are gaining positive daily momentum on the 8th Phase TDC sales. This presale phase and looks like all the 77 phases will finish much sooner than expected

Make sure to grab your share of the crypto pie in form of TDC coins


What Have Phase 7 Been Like?

TDC Trident coin Presale seventh (7) phase began on May 9th, where Trident Cryptocurrency  was shocked with the rate TDC Sale Phase 6 being sold out so quickly

The New price of TDC coins is went for $0.89 per coin and once phase 7 finishes in next 24-48 hours, the increased price will be $0.95 per coin. you may like to check  How to Sale Mavro Coins MVR

A word for trident coin is spreading very quickly all around the world and excitement is building up anywhere

Here are our latest updated Alexa rankings

Trident has also cleared all pending TDC withdrawals till date and business is normal now and everything seems to be running perfectly

Your binary closing happens midnight every night at 00:00 AM GMT and based on the volume on your left and right, it’s matched and you are paid

See also  Trident Coin Listing - Current Price Now $1.21

Referral calculations are credited to your income wallet instantly though

Trident process withdrawals once a day right now after manual verifications in your BTC wallet

This entire week we are laser focussed on complete optimization of the system tech wise and starting next week onwards we will be starting optimizations towards design side

You will see new landing pages, more conversion methods inside your back-office, easier to understand user interface START TRADING TDC HERE


First Phases of TDC Trident coin Review

TDC Trident coin on the 7th of May announced the first closing of TDC Presale which recorded extreme success as all TDC traders Coins and commissions were successfully released into their back-office. This can be checked in your wallet when you log into your Trident wallet section

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The business volume considered here is till 5th and by end of day today closing for 6th and 7th also will happen

TDC withdrawals are open and you can convert your earned commissions and passive income profits into Bitcoin BTC which you can withdraw instantly on request.

Since this is the first closing of TDC Sale period of the 77 window sales, systems are still brand new on the software side , so Trident Coin withdrawal processing time will be anywhere from 24 to 48 hours as the company team is manually verifying all requests and calculations and want to be 200 % sure that everything is working perfect though so far its all good. Trident management team have promised all traders faster withdrawals which will be processed on a daily basis.

What is expected of all TDC Trident Coin Investors?

All investors till date are already in profit, high expectations is that this in no time will evolve as TDC coin development continues

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