Withdraw ECP Coin Directly to cc.exchnage wallet

Withdraw ECP Coin Directly to cc.exchnage wallet

Hello ECP members

From now.. all members will be able to request withdraw with cc.exchnage wallet.

That means cc.exchnage ecp wallet will be used for withdrawing request from ECP dashboard.

Thank you.

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Withdraw ECP Coin Directly to cc.exchnage wallet

What this means is that from now on, you don’t need to open ERC20 Toke wallet to Withdraw Ecp coins to exchange. You can withdraw your Ethereumcashpro ECP coins by Login to your back-office @  www.ethereumcashpro.com then withdraw your tokens directly t exchange. If you have not yet registered in ECP Coin Exchange, Click Here to do so.

Also in the ECP News.

Enter number of tokens to withdraw enter 9999 ECP

Enter number of tokens to withdraw enter 9999 ECP


Hello ECP members

Many members are asking for KYC verification. Then kindly contact to their support centre.

One more thing , there is no need to pass KYC for deposit or do trading.

So members are easily able to deposit and trade.

Thank you.


ECP tokens on CcExchange

CcExchange are open to working with new cryptocurrencies, and they’ve struck a deal with Ethereum Cash Pro

Right now, users can now sell their ECP tokens on CcExchange as they’ve made it known that their coin is now live in the exchange for trading.

In the message that announced the new development, the Ethereum Cash Pro admins made it known that they are aware their members have been waiting for them to resolve any issues that pertain to exchange for some months now.

They made known how they have permanently stopped their forum and how they have been busy transferring all forum token to the available token in their member’s dashboards. Top ECP Coin Traders Nigeria India Russia Malaysia Brazil

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The Ethereum Cash Pro team has also told ECP members that the withdraw button has been made active now, and so, all their members can proceed to withdraw the available token.

Obviously, the Ethereumcashpro team have been conducting a lot of works underneath in regards to placing the coin on the exchange. There was a time they made it known that the need to check from their side that all is correct and right in the exchange before they publish the name.

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And after the work has been done and all is dusted, they made it publicly known that ECP coin has been listed on cc.exchange, and ECP Coin can now be traded free on the Exchange.


Updated: December 22, 2018 — 12:30 pm

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