CrytpoCoin Exchange

CrytpoCoin Exchange

CrytpoCoin Exchange ( keeps poising itself as one of the world’s largest crypto and ICO exchange, and it keeps attracting to itself the constant attention of cryptocurrency lovers every now and then. Actually, on the homepage of their website, they boasted about being the “world’s largest crypto and ICO exchange”

Everything you ought to know About CrytpoCoin Exchange


About CCExchange

About CCExchange

Just like what is expected of a standard exchange, there is a live table that shows how currencies are being traded (the prices, their performances, and so on and so forth). Even with a little smart phone, one can monitor how various currencies are performing currently in the market without the need for the unnecessary stress of switching between several other platforms. Trade Ecp/USD 0.004 $ Ecp/Btc

And no wonder CcExchange prides itself as “the next generation digital asset platform built for businesses”

One thing that should easily catch one’s attention is their referral program. They have given the liberty for anyone to set up and become a CcExchange partner and work together with them for expansion. Their partners are expected to share CcExchange with friends through various mediums (social media, their website audience, and so on)


Name Price24H (%)
Bitcoin Cash(BCH)

Referral Program

Is there a reward for this? Yes! CcExchange promised to give 100 EURT Token each time a person join them through a partner’s referral link. That means, if the partner was able to get 100 different people to sign up, the partner will get a whopping 10,000 EURT Token. It was also added that no fees will be applied to both the partner and the new person being referred. Finally, Ethereumcashpro ECP goes live in exchange for trading

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CcExchange also promised not to make registration too difficult for anyone (as they stated that everything that concerns registration will be done in just two minutes). Apart from another promise of ‘full access to trading’, they also made it clear that their users will have unlimited balance top-ups.

Generally, an exchange is a platform/service where people can change one type of currency for another. They also give registered users, irrespective of where you are in the world, a platform to exchange their local currency to bitcoins.

On the platform, people will be able to post advertisements where they will specify exchange rate and payment methods for buying or selling bitcoins.

An interesting user will reply an advert and will agree to connect with the seller to buy bitcoins with cash, or perhaps you trade directly with online banking.

Bitcoins are placed in CCExchange web wallet from where a user can pay their bitcoin purchases directly.

However, CcExchange are aware that from time to time, new and alternative cryptocurrencies may poop up, and they made it known that it may result in “holders of private keys containing a bitcoin balance receiving a corresponding amount of the new cryptocurrency on the newly created blockchain”

ECP tokens on CcExchange

CcExchange are open to working with new cryptocurrencies, and they’ve struck a deal with Ethereum Cash Pro

Right now, users can now sell their ECP tokens on CcExchange as they’ve made it known that their coin is now live in the exchange for trading.


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In the message that announced the new development, the Ethereum Cash Pro admins made it known that they are aware their members have been waiting for them to resolve any issues that pertain to exchange for some months now.

Withdraw only use ecp token wallet

Withdraw only use ECP token wallet

They made known how they have permanently stopped their forum and how they have been busy transferring all forum token to the available token in their member’s dashboards. Top ECP Coin Traders Nigeria India Russia Malaysia Brazil

The Ethereum Cash Pro team has also told ECP members that the withdraw button has been made active now, and so, all their members can proceed to withdraw the available token.

Obviously, the Ethereumcashpro team have been conducting a lot of works underneath in regards to placing the coin on the exchange. There was a time they made it known that the need to check from their side that all is correct and right in the exchange before they publish the name.

And after the work has been done and all is dusted, they made it publicly known that ECP coin has been listed on, and ECP Coin can now be traded free on the Exchange.

Obviously, the guys behind ECP have proved yet again that they meant business. When the project was started some months back, there are some various other coins that jumped into the crowd also. However, today many of those coins are dead. In fact, some of them are not true (the owners simply used it to amass people’s data)

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But the Ethereum Cash Pro team are true to their words. They’ve given people the free tokens promised, and they gave the option to get the tokens withdrawn. Right now, they’ve paid the price to get ECP listed in an exchange – which is a good step in a good direction.

Right now, the value of ECP might be insignificant – but that is how bitcoin itself started. It started from the bottom before getting to the top eventually. Therefore, anything can happen anytime soon as far as this coin is concerned. As far as the owners continue to be creative and innovative, they will go on brainstorming on steps that can help increase the value of the coin. And it will be better for the users!

Finally, Ethereumcashpro recently made some announcements which they want their users to take note of.

KYC Verification Pass On

According to them, for kyc pass in the exchange, the user should ensure they upload an image that is something between 30kb.

Additionally, they are aware of people not getting the verification email. They stated that after the update, every member will definitely get their verification mail in a short period of time.

CcExchange might update their server in a day or two, and when this happened, some things might not function appropriately.

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Just as stated earlier, the Ethereum Cash Pro team are working hard to make things right for everyone. They made known how they have already processed 50% withdraw request and are set to complete the rest very soon.



Updated: December 20, 2018 — 3:48 am

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